Produse pentru omnifix luer singur (14)

Somn Plus - Melatonină

Somn Plus - Melatonină

Spécifiquement formulé à base de Mélatonine et de 4 plantes (Mélisse, Houblon, Passiflore et Valériane) pour contribuer à réduire l'anxiété, à favoriser la relaxation et à améliorer la qualité du sommeil. Disponible en 60 ou 120 gélules. Formule disponible en marque blanche. Personnalisez ce produit à votre marque.
Monitor de calitate a aerului interior

Monitor de calitate a aerului interior

AiM-x version, which can monitor air quality in product and food warehouses with artificial intelligence-supported sensor learning, offers user-specific solutions. AiM-x utilizes ML (Machine Learning) Technology to measure Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs), Volatile Sulfur Compounds(VSCs) and the other gases such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen levels. Thanks to the mobile application, you can receive notifications wherever you are in the world. In addition, the voice warning system of the mobile application warns you in unusual situations. Aim-x can be easily integrated into smart building or facility automations, food warehouses and ventilation and air conditioning systems. It can be used as a precaution against fire or smoke poisoning.
QLife Gluco-Crom 99 - Supliment alimentar

QLife Gluco-Crom 99 - Supliment alimentar

Chromium is involved in the metabolism of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and lipids) that fulfill their role in the renewal of cells in the human body. Contributes to the maintenance of normal blood sugar Reference:21630
Oligomax Fier - Cerințe pentru femei

Oligomax Fier - Cerințe pentru femei

OLiGOMAX Iron is a synergy of naturally-sourced minerals and trace elements: a combination of concentrated sea water with lithothamnium and red algae, a source of trace elements. It contains trace elements selected for their benefits, including Iron. Iron helps to reduce tiredness and plays a role in the normal formation of red blood cells. OLiGOMAX Iron can be recommended in the event of iron requirements, fatigue, and for pregnant and nursing women. Iron :10 mg (71% NVR*)
Cartușe de Vânătoare Slug - Slug

Cartușe de Vânătoare Slug - Slug

We are manufacturing approximately 10 different models of slug hunting cartridges. Each model has different shape and weight. Available calibers are : 12 Cal.-16 Cal - 20 Cal - 28 Cal - 36 (.410) Cal.
Octisex Forte - Recâștigă-ți Libido-ul

Octisex Forte - Recâștigă-ți Libido-ul

Octisex forte gélules apporte son aide dans les cas de fatigue passagère, prise de nouveau traitement, ou pannes sexuelles à répétitions. Le ralentissement de la libido provoque les problèmes d'érection, tout comme l'arrêt des rapports sexuels. L'andropose, la solitude et la fatigue, représentent plus de 80% des troubles. Réactivez votre système veineux et nourrissez votre système sanguin. Composition 100 % naturelle. L-arginine, Piper nigrum, Zinc, Ornithine Gingembre.
Detector de căderi Angel4 - Detector de căderi pentru uz personal

Detector de căderi Angel4 - Detector de căderi pentru uz personal

El detector de caídas Angel4 es un dispositivo personal único que proporciona una detección automática de caídas muy sensible por medio de un acelerómetro triaxial y un nuevo algoritmo específico desarrollado por el Ceptd en proyectos europeos. El sensor es muy discreto y se puede usar en un cinturon de tela accesorio o incluso en un cinturón estándard mediante el clip de sujeción. No requiere botones. Todas las interacciones entre usuario y dispositivo se ejecutan a través de una simple APP para teléfonos con sistema operativo Android (versión 4.4 o superior). La función del teléfono móvil es llevar a cabo de forma automática la comunicación con un familiar, cuidador o con servicios de emergencia contratados en el caso de producirse una caída, al mismo tiempo que proporciona la geolocalización del usuario ya se encuentre en un lugar cerrado o al aire libre.


Suplement diety Vigo ONE XL to produkt z wysoką dawką L-argininy, skierowany do mężczyzn którzy chcą zadbać o swoje zdrowie seksualne oraz potrzebują wzmocnić i wywołać erekcję. Dawka l-argininy w dwóch kapsułkach 600 mg.




AM-MULTI+ is a universal addressable module, which, depending on the configuration, can be used as an addressable power supply unit, input/output/relay extender, address interface extender or a combination of any of these options. Overall dimensions:280x280x80 mm Weight (without battery):1.6 kg Operating temperature range:From -10°C to +40°C Enclosure protection degree:IP30


2.55€ TTC
Oligomax Magneziu - Relaxare - Odihnă - Somn

Oligomax Magneziu - Relaxare - Odihnă - Somn

OLiGOMAX Magnesium combines minerals with trace elements from sea water alongside lithothamnium, red algae from the ocean depths, and other selected trace elements in support of bodily well-being. The formula is a source of magnesium which helps to reduce fatigue and to maintain good nervous system function. OLiGOMAX Magnesium can be recommended to combat general fatigue. Magnesium:56 mg (15% NRV*)
Oligomax Molibden - Echilibru digestiv

Oligomax Molibden - Echilibru digestiv

OLiGOMAX Molybdenum is a synergy of naturally-sourced minerals and trace elements: a combination of concentrated sea water with lithothamnium and red algae, a source of trace elements. It contains trace elements selected for their benefits, including molybdenum. Molybdenum contributes to maintaining the normal metabolism of sulphur amino acids. Molybdenum:50 µg (100% NRV*)
Oligomax Zinc - Siliciu

Oligomax Zinc - Siliciu

OLiGOMAX Zinc-Silicium est une synergie de minéraux et oligoéléments d’origine naturelle : association d’eau de mer concentrée et de lithothamne, algue rouge source d’oligoéléments. Y sont ajoutés des oligoéléments sélectionnés pour leurs bienfaits, dont le zinc et le silicium. Le zinc contribue à un métabolisme acido-basique normal et au maintien d’une bonne ossature. Le bambou, bon pour les articulations, contient de la silice qui participe au confort articulaire. Quand est-il conseillé ? OLiGOMAX Zinc - Silicium pourra être conseillé pour le confort articulaire et pour l’équilibre acido-basique. Silicium:12 mg Zinc:1,5 mg (15% VNR*)